Thursday, February 27, 2020

Quality Assurance in Clinical Bacteriology Assignment

Quality Assurance in Clinical Bacteriology - Assignment Example From start to end, the full production line has to be properly monitored and to be prepared with contingency plans. To achieve Total Quality Management, a Quality System—defined as the organizational structure and resources needed to implement quality requirements (Kumari and Bhatia, 2003, p. 20)—must be established. The organizationl management and structure, the referential (quality) standards, documentation, assessment (monitoring and evaluation) and training are all part of Quality Systems. Proper delegation of responsibilities and appropriate distribution of work load will provide balance to the systems as well as make a stable foundation for the work flow. Standards for quality measurement are also critical not only in ensuring the uniformity but also in the assurance of providing quality output all the time. Proper documentation and assessment of the work flow usually defines the level of progress the system will be able to achieve. Thorough evaluation of the whole process may uncover loop holes, weaknesses and possible sources of errors of the production line. Identifying th ese flaws is the first step in developing its solution. Henceforth, training of the work force and countinous update of protocols must be implemented for the whole group to improve. Aside from Quality System, Quality Audit is also important for the improvement of the laboratory. As explained by Kumari and Bhatia (2003), Quality Audits are established to verify the effectiveness of the acivities of the laboratory. This is to test whether the implemented actions do solve and/or accomplish its designated target. A separate team, either another group within the laboratory (internal audits) or a group not within the laboratory (external audits), usually handle these concerns to achieve an impartial view and judgement. Improvement is not a one-step thing. It is continous. It is vital for the system to repeatedly plan, do (implement), check and act

Monday, February 10, 2020

The impact of culture on consumer buying behaviour Essay

The impact of culture on consumer buying behaviour - Essay Example This paper illustrates that cultural factors have an important influence on the buying behavior of consumers. It consists of operating procedures that are mutually shared, norms, tools, values, and unstated assumptions. It also comprises standards for evaluating, communicating, and perceiving. Cultural factors differ by country to country and are a complex phenomenon when people move to foreign countries where the cultural dimensions that are prevalent are totally different. Under such circumstances, people are faced with various cultural reference groups which ultimately affect their behavior towards purchasing. Marketers, in response, must develop tools for marketing communication which seeks to address reference group and cultural factors from a domestic as well as global perspective. Market segmentation must be used by marketers to develop marketing messages for customers with the purpose of educating them about the service or product being offered so that they are stimulated to buy the service or product of the marketer being advertised. Culture is defined as a sum total of values, customs, and learned beliefs that guide the behavior of consumers living in a particular society. Consumer behavior is concerned about the decision-making processes of buyers. It studies behavioral variables and demographics to understand the wants of consumers. It is not easy to define culture in respect of its pervasive and broad nature. Its boundaries are not easy to define. There are several aspects to it which need to be understood.